

Paul-Lenz-Strasse 1b
86316 Friedberg

Christian Egger (CEO), 刘延武
电话: +49 821 2608 0
传真:     0821 2608-299
电子邮件: germany(at)autefa.com

奥格斯堡地方法院: HRB 26374

DE 278 548 723


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The Whistleblower Protection Law came into effect on July 2, 2023. This law is based on the "Whistleblower Directive" of the European Union, aiming to strengthen legal enforcement and protect individuals who report misconduct in companies.

At our company, we place a strong emphasis on transparency and integrity. In accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Law, we encourage employees and other individuals to bring potential issues or misconduct to our attention. This could include violations of laws, ethical guidelines, or internal company policies.

Your input is crucial for promoting a positive corporate culture and upholding legal standards. We assure you of absolute confidentiality, and there will be no repercussions for those acting in good faith to report concerns.

Please reach out directly to Christian Ott to share your concerns. Together, we can ensure that our company is built on a foundation of honesty and integrity.

Christian Ott, Head of Quality & Organisation  

P: +49 821 2608–153
M: +49 1590 4385180

To report an offense of general interest in the workplace according European Directive 2019/1937 access the portal here (in Italian)


Please find below the comment rules that apply to the following social media platforms on which AUTEFA companies are present. These include the

  • LinkedIn company page of AUTEFA Solutions
  • AUTEFA Solutions YouTube channel
  • Instagram company account of AUTEFA Solutions
  • Viva Engage "AUTEFA connect" channel

The option to comment is part of the AUTEFA presence on social media. As a result, a free discussion should take place in an open and friendly atmosphere. In the interest of all participants, please note the following:

The option to comment on our publications explicitly refers to the topics covered there. If you also have questions about AUTEFA machines and service, please email us at germany(at)autefa.com.

Anyone who uses the commentary function on social media grants AUTEFA Solutions Germany GmbH, AUTEFA Solutions Austria GmbH, AUTEFA Solutions Switzerland AG, AUTEFA Solutions Italy S.r.l., AUTEFA Solutions North America Inc. und AUTEFA Solutions Wuxi Co., Ltd. the right to permanently display their posts, incorporate or quote them in editorial contributions or hide or delete them according to editorial discretion.

In particular, the editors reserve the right to hide or delete posts whose content is

  • Defamatory
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  • Discriminatory
  • An incitement to violence
  • Pornographic
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  • An assessment of individual Autefa employees
  • Liable to prosecution
  • Otherwise inappropriate.

Making such comments is not permitted.

The same applies to content of a commercial and/or advertising nature. Use for commercial purposes is not permitted.

Likewise undesirable are constant repetitions of the same content, nuisance and nonsense texts. Please keep in mind that your contributions should always relate to the topic of the discussion.

In the case of links to external websites, we reserve the right to check linked content and, if necessary, remove the URL or the entire comment.

Copyright Please observe copyright notices.

It is not permitted to use any opinions published via the comment function in any other context without permission.

Depending on the platform, commenting on content accessible on social media may require different forms of registration over which AUTEFA generally has no control. We recommend that all users always handle personal data with care and use the social media options for protecting privacy as much as possible.

Participants who violate these rules or the basic principles of the netiquette can be excluded from participating in the discussions.