AUTEFA Solutions- Our technology for your success

The name AUTEFA Solutions stands for companies with a rich tradition and many years of success in the market. These include AUTEFA in Friedberg (Bavaria, Germany), Fehrer in Linz (Austria), FOR and OCTIR in Biella (Italy) and Strahm Hi-Tex in Switzerland. In 2011, AUTEFA Solutions Germany, AUTEFA Solutions Austria, AUTEFA Solutions Italy and AUTEFA Solutions North America were established, followed by AUTEFA Solutions Switzerland and AUTEFA Solutions Wuxi. Today, AUTEFA Solutions has a global presence with six companies.

AUTEFA Solutions- our technology for your success (with English subtitles)

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André Imhof, CEO AUTEFA Solutions Austria GmbH and AUTEFA Solutions Switzerland AG
Yanwu Liu, Managing Director AUTEFA Solutions
Marco Fano, CEO AUTEFA Solutions North America Inc., CEO AUTEFA Solutions Wuxi Co., Ltd. and CEO AUTEFA Solutions Italy S.r.l.
Christian Egger, CEO AUTEFA Solutions Germany GmbH


Friedberg, 德国

Linz, 奥地利

Biella, 意大利

Frauenfeld, 瑞士

Wuxi, 中国

Fort Mill, 北美


AUTEFA Solutions Germany GmbH
Paul-Lenz-Strasse 1 b
86316 Friedberg . Germany
T: +49 821 2608 0

